ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Solutions to improve the quality of mass concrete construction in the Southern Vietnam climate
Concrete, a mixture of sand, stone, cement, water and other substances (if any), is the most widely used material in construction work.
The cement can create a reaction with water to become the concrete, generating the heat that transforms the cement into stone and
concrete. This phenomenon is called heat from hydration. Related units such as investor, design consultant, supervisory consultant,
construction unit rarely pay attention to the hydration heat phenomenon when constructing the foundation structure of high-rise
buildings due to the Vietnamese standard of TCVN 9341:2012 “Mass concrete-construction and acceptance” conventionalizes the
need to pay attention to the hydratio phenomenon. With 2 distinct rainy and sunny seasons, Southern Vietnam is a region with a
tropical monsoon climate. The southwestern monsoon affects the rainy season, so the rate of rainfall is very high. Thermal radiation is
also higher in the dry season relative to other areas. These hot and humid climates have a significant impact on the quality of concrete
and reinforced concrete, especially in the hardening and forming process of the original concrete structure. During the early hardening time, the sunny weather, hot and dry air makes the concrete dehydrate easily, producing a hollow structure that decreases the waterproofing strength and capacity or allows the concrete surface to crack. This ability is also enhanced by high solar radiation and strong winds. The article therefore proposes "Solutions to improve the quality of mass concrete construction in the Southern Vietnam climate".
- ACI 207.1R-05: Guide to Mass Concrete
- ACI 207.4R: Cooling and Insulating Systems for Mass Concrete.
- ACI 207.1R-96: Mass Concrete
- ACI 207.2R: Effect of Restraint, Volume Change. And Reinforcement on Craking of Mass concrete.
- СП 63.13330.2012: Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции. Основные положения. Актуализированная редакция СНиП 52-01-2003.
- TCVN 9341:2012: Mass concrete –construction and acceptance
- TCVN 4453:1995: Code of construction and acceptance for Monolithic reinforced concrete structure
- TCVN 8828 : 2011: Concrete – Requirements for natural moist curing
- John Gajda and Martha Vangeem Controling Temperatures in Mass Concrete. Concrete International, 1/2002.