ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Evaluating the impacts of groundwater extraction on land subsidence in Cai Rang district, Can Tho city
Groundwater is among the Nation’s most important natural resources. It provides drinking water to urban and rural communities, supports irrigation and industry, sustains the flow of streams and rivers, and maintains riparian and wetland ecosystems. In many areas of the Nation, the future sustainability of groundwater resources is at risk from overuse and contamination. Groundwater extraction not only regulates the shape of the ground surface and but also has a significant influence on human life. However, the occurrence of estimating the settlement of ground surface is still not well-studied. The objective of this study is to assess relation between groundwater pumping and land subsidence in Cai Rang district, Can Tho city. It is carried out by following steps: (1) Collecting geological prospecting data;(2) Conducting the method of ground water pumping test; (3) Processing the collected data; (4) Using Riley, Lohman and Poland methods in estimating the settlement of ground surface; (5) Using Finite element method to stimulate land subsidence. The result shows that the hydro-geological parameters, K is of 18.05 m/h; S is of 0.0083; T is of 299.608 m2/d. The cumulative land subsidence varies in the range of from 0 to 0.66 cm. Consequence of the land subsidence does not considerably affect construction work in the area. The analytical and interpretive methods described in this study will be useful to scientists involved in studies of ground-water hydraulics and aquifersystem deformation.
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