ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Researching on penetration process of steel warheads in concrete protectives by using ansys autodyn
The analysis of penetration of warheads in concrete protective structures is an important part of the study of weapon effects on protective structures. This type of complicated analysis requires that the design loading in the form of a warhead is determined. The characteristic and performance of the protective structure have to be known. To resolve it, there are several ways to find it such as experimental equation or using finite element (FE) analyses. However, it requires the combination of several factors, e.g. development of suitable material models for concrete, enhancement of numerical methodology and affordable high capacity computer systems. Furthermore, warhead penetration has primarily been of interest for the armed forces and military industry, with a large part of the conducted research being classified during considerable time. Hence, the paper is focused on simulating the progress of penetration of a steel warhead into the protective plate.
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