ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Simulation of flexural behavior of frp reinforced concrete beam
This paper presents a finite element model which is considered the nonlinear material of the rebar steel, and concrete of the beam to investigate the behavior of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) based on the commercial software ABAQUS. The different types of the constraint between steel rebar, FRP and concrete are also showed in this study. In our research, the sensitivity of the parameters such as mesh size, dilation angle, viscosity factor, and concrete fracture energy is also evaluated. These results in the current study are verified with the results obtained from the experiment which is conducted by the authors of the paper at the laboratory of Mien Trung university of civil engineering. The study figured out that using the solid bar element which is constrained with concrete by the embedded contact to simulate the FRP reinforced concrete beam is more optimized than applying the truss bar element. Another point is that based on the results of the current paper can be found the ways to adjust the simulation in ABAQUS that is suitable for the real beam.
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