ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Finite difference method with laplace transform technique for vertical drains
The paper present finite diference method (FDM) with Laplace transform technique for vertical drains. This method is capable of simulation of multi loading with time and complex boundary conditions. The Laplace transform technique is also ultilized in order to simplify the derivative function of time to an algebra function. The discreted function then can easily determine the pore pressure at each points. The pore pressure and average consolidation degree by the present solution shows good agreement with previous solutions in three differences load applying: instant loading, single ramp loading and multi-ramp loading. This paper also proposes a discreted 10 points is a practical application for multi-ramp loading with the error in predicting average consolidation degree less than 5%. In order to verify the efficient of the present solution, a real embankment treated by vertical drains with vacuum consolidation technique are analyzed. The pore pressures and settlements have been compared with field data and previous researchs.
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