
ISSN: 2734-9438

Website: www.jomc.vn

A review on current direct and indirect testing methods as high-effective techniques in the evaluation of self-healing ability in concrete

Nguyen Ngoc Tri Huynh , Kei-ichi Imamoto , Chizuru Kiyohara , Tran Anh Tu , Nguyen Khanh Son


As it has been using more than 100 years, concrete is a high compressive strength construction material and relatively easy to maintain and manage for buildings and infrastructures. However, with the increasing technical requirements of society for new constructions, various technologies have been developed to improve the strength, performance, and durability of concrete and overcome weaknesses, including the cracking phenomenon. The crack handling of concrete structures is a research hotspot and has caused long-term problems for the development of the engineering community. Currently, research on the world's self-healing concrete technology has been conducted in various ways. Also, promising progress has been made in different research approaches, but most are still in theoretical feasibility and laboratory-scale. Although there have been many reviews or mini-review papers published, aggregation, refinement, and criticism have never been redundant in light of the continued increase in the number of new publications. This paper has summarized the experimental research methods and results of different types of self-healing concrete in recent years and expounded the mechanism of its action, especially in the trend of using microorganisms for sustainable development. We also point out the outstanding issues and limitations in the studies and propose solutions.


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