ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
High-level of bio-cementation by microbially induced carbonate precipitation technique with nano calcite seeds
The bio-cementation process through bacterial mineralization has emerged as an eco-friendly solution for soft or loose sandy soils, particularly in areas with ground slopes and high rainfall. This approach is aligned with sustainable development goals, promoting environmentally responsible and long-lasting solutions. In this context, ureolytic bacteria capable of decomposing urea for calcium carbonate precipitation are the primary agents for bio-cementation. This study explores the effects of nano calcite as nucleation sites on the MICP capacity to enhance the bio-cementation process. The microstructure of the precipitation was analyzed alongside its capacity for MICP. In addition, a simulated rainfall model was set up to evaluate the erosion resistance of sand samples. The findings of this study can guide the development of eco-friendly solutions for soil stabilization in environmentally vulnerable areas.
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