ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Construction material management solutions for social housing projects toward sustainable development in Vietnam
Toward sustainable development goals, the construction industry has faced several challenges. Many researchers and practitioners have pointed out that material, accounting for 50 to 70% of construction costs, should be prioritized for studying. To meet the housing demands for low-income people, the Vietnamese government has launched a strategy to develop 1 million social housing units from 2021 to 2030. Many social housing projects have been actively implemented across the country recently to achieve this goal. However, effectively accessing and using construction materials sustainably in these projects still faces many challenges. The sustainability of construction materials is not only measured by their physical durability and technical performance but also considers factors such as environmental impact, human health safety, and recyclability. Particularly, given the large scale and profound impact of social housing projects, smart and sustainable selection and utilization of construction materials are crucial. This article proposes solutions and management strategies for developing construction materials in social housing projects in Vietnam, aiming at the goal of sustainable development and advancement of the construction industry.
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