ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Analysis of four point bending characteristic of composite assembled hollow slab using profiled steel wire mesh
Optimizing the performance of reinforced concrete structures by reducing mass, reducing component height, increasing ductility and flexibility, durability, fast construction, and environmental protection has always been the goal of countless studies related to reinforced concrete structures. In this study, 03 hollow slab plates, each slab has one different assembly combination, without beams, using profiled fiber wire mesh, assembled by assembling 12 small slab panels with dimensions of 2800x2000x300, 3000x1950x300 (mm), 2800x1950x300 (mm), respectively were put into 4-point bending for sagging behavior analysis, deformation, crack formation, analysis of slab plasticity. Using profiled steel wire mesh with a grid cell size of 12x12x1 (mm) and steel fiber diameter of 1mm can not only completely replace the reinforcement but also improve the slab's flexibility, flexibility, and toughness. In addition, the way the complex assembles small panels according to the working method also contributes to improving the behavior efficiency of the slab. The plasticity of slab specimens shows that arranging multiple layers of mesh involved in tensile resistance will increase the structure's load-bearing capacity, but the ductility of the structure decreases. The main reason is the use of cold-drawn steel fiber mesh to make reinforcement to bear the load because cold-drawn steel has high brittleness, so at a large load, pulling off steel layers occurs in a fast branch chain effect, thereby reducing the ductility of the structure. The results can be applied to the design of prefab concrete slabs and structures.
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