ISSN: 2734-9438
Website: www.jomc.vn
Shear wall thickness affects high-rise building internal force and horizontal displacement according to TCVN 2737:2023
Shear walls increase the horizontal stiffness of multi-story buildings in wind and earthquake conditions. According to TCVN 2737:2023, Etabs software must be used to study how shear wall thickness affects internal stresses and horizontal displacements in multi-story buildings. This study examines the impact of varying initial shear wall thicknesses, starting with bw=200mm and subsequently increasing to bw=250mm (25%), bw=300mm (50%), bw=350mm (75%), and bw=400mm (100%). The focus is on type I high-rise buildings (under 16 floors) and type II high-rise buildings (from 17 to 25 floors), specifically analyzing how these changes affect internal forces and horizontal displacements at the building's top. The survey results of the 9-storey building indicate a 6% reduction in bending moment, a 13% increase in shear force, and a 7% increase in axial force when the shear wall thickness is increased by 100% compared to the original thickness. For the 21-storey building, increasing the shear wall thickness by 100% leads to a 31% reduction in the bending moment, a 47% reduction in the shear force, and a 12% reduction in the axial force compared to the original thickness. As the height of the building rises from 9 to 21 floors, the horizontal displacement increases by a ratio of 6.4 times in both directions
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