The Reviewers are selected from the Journal database or other sources by the Editors. Once selected, the Reviewer will receive an automatic notification message to request confirmation through the e-mail address. The notification message sent to the Reviewer includes the title and abstract of the manuscript.
The Reviewer should login the Online system and click on the box to whether agree or not for reviewing the manuscript. If the Reviewer click on the agree box, he will receive the full text of the manuscript.
Please download and read carefully the instruction file below to send the reviewed report via the Online system:
As an integral part of the publication process, peer review is used to confirm the validity of the science reported and thereby actually helps raise the quality of the published articles. Peer Reviewers are experts who spend their time to help improve the manuscripts they review by offering comments and advice freely to the Authors.
For more information, please see the Journal Policies and Privacy Statement at the Journal website.
Peer Review Process
All new manuscripts submitted to the Journal are screened for completeness and adherence to the Instruction for Authors. Those that pass are then assigned to the Editors for consideration for sending for double-blind peer-review by at least two Reviewers chosen by the Editors.
Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, prior publications in the same topic area and prior performance as a Reviewer. The Journal database of Reviewers is constantly being updated in order to track who are matched for peer review of manuscripts.
Typically a manuscript will be reviewed within three weeks at the first round. If the Reviewers do not send their review reports on time, a first reminder will be sent to them. If the Reviewers cannot finish the review, please let the Editors know immediately so that the manuscript will be transferred to other Reviewers. The Reviewers and Editors may request more than one revision round of a manuscript and alternative Reviewers may also be invited to review the manuscript at any time. The revised manuscript will usually be returned to the initial Reviewers for confirmation before it is published. The Reviewers are asked to make recommendation for publication to the Editors regarding a final decision.
The Editors are responsible for the decision to reject or accept the manuscripts for publication. The Editors’ decision will be sent to the Authors along with any recommendations made by the Reviewers. After acceptance, the manuscripts are designed by LATEX software and their uncorrected proof copies are sent to the Authors before publication.
For more information, please see the Journal Policies and Privacy Statement at the Journal website.